Sumatra – Armiyadi


Andi – Armiyadi
Ateng, Bor Bor, Catimor, and Timor
Bukit Sama, Kute Panang, Aceh
November-January, April-May

SKU: 1-40-0001-30 Category:


The Cup: Fresh papaya, fresh bell pepper, sugar cane juice, and savory flavors with tart citric acidity and candy-like sweetness.

This coffee comes to us from Aceh, in northern Sumatra. Aceh is an incredible region for coffee production. The average farm is one hectare, 80% of producers within northern Sumatra are women, and 95% of producers are smallholders. The region is diverse, geographically speaking. It is surrounded by beaches with a swampy inland, and the Barisan Mountains make up the inner two-thirds of the area. Coffee is grown on this volcanic mountain amongst the rainforest. One of the notable features of this area is Lake Taboa, the largest volcanic lake in the world. This specific Sumatra is from a single producer making it a microlot. Microlots from Sumatra are most commonly traceable to the mill level, but occasionally traceable to the producer. Because of the generally small size of farms in Sumatra, most producers’ coffee is blended together with that of other smallholders. Microlot coffees not only have more traceability than those blended lots, but also achieve the highest quality and are rewarded with the highest prices. This coffee is from a 3-hectare farm owned by Andi, who grows a disease-resistant variety called Ateng Super, which is a hybrid made with Timor Hybrid for its hardiness.